Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lately I feel as though I have been coming to my own. I feel at rest and at ease with my life. Its kind of a relief considering the past 2 years of my life have seemed in a sense chaotic. I think school has really helped me realize this. I have never been one much for commitment. I mean if you were to take a peek at my life you would probably notice a pretty restless trend. I think that school has made me finally commit to doing something. I realize that its not always best to settle down and do "normal" things. In fact I am an encourager of most people stepping out, doing, something, and seeing the world. For this time in my life I feel like living in one spot, going to school and being challenged is the right way to go. I feel rested and re cooperated. Its relieving in a way. I love being able to learn again. My brain is being stimulated and challenged. I love it. I find myself really wanting to do well. I'm not doing a half-ass job. I am really going for it. I think that maybe I am growing up or at least becoming responsible for myself and my actions. Needles to say, I feel good. The great thing is that I will always be open for change. I will always be open for adventure. I cannot deny that those elements are an essential part of my being. I think just going into this stage in my life with so much less worry and fear is going to change everything. It gives me sense of relief to not try and fix everything. But to just let itself work out.
This past weekend was a good one. I came out feeling refreshed and revived. Also it reminded me of all the stuff that has happened to me, how I am here now and so much better for it. I am thankful for conversations that fill my lungs with fresh air.
I am happy with where I am.

So I leave with a quote that has come to me many a time on my Starbucks cup.

“The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating — in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life.” - Anne Morriss,

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